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DeAsia Paige
my voice, my thoughts, my life


'Pitch' Is A Home Run for Black Women
AP Photo "Pitch" changes the face of baseball . The MLB welcomes a starting pitcher, a black woman, to the San Diego Padres. The show is...

The Decorated Career of Regina King
At Sunday night's Emmy's, Regina King won the award for outstanding supporting actress in a limited series for her strong performance in...

Why Isn't Anyone Talking About Essence Bowman?
Courtesy of @irreverentfash on Twitter In the wake of the Philando Castile and Alton Sterling shootings, I immediately saw the hashtag ...

My Realization About Independence Day
This is the first time in my life when I realized the significance of the Fourth of July-----there is none. Well, not for blacks, at...

Thank you, LeBron James
A week later, and I am still soaking it in. Last week, LeBron James (my favorite person in the world) reiterated his greatness to me. I...

What Politicians Can Learn From #NoBillNoBreak concerning #BlackLivesMatter
On Wednesday, the hashtag #NoBillNoBreak flooded Twitter as House Democrats staged a sit-in due to Republican inaction concerning gun...

Alicia Keys Returns to Music Realer Than Ever
So real. So raw. I have "Fallin" for the essence of Alicia Keys since I was five years old. It was not because I related to her as we...

Things I Learned from 'O.J. Made in America' Part 1
Photo Credit: Nick Higgins and Ronan Killeen When I first heard about the 30 for 30 O.J. Made in America series I thought, "Not another...

Should Blacks Receive Reparations?
Decades of Jim Crow practices, slavery, and current systematic disparities in equality leave some to ponder the question of blacks...

#SAYHERNAME Is More Than Just A Hashtag
Today is national #SayHerName action day. The hashtag was established in 2015 after Sandra Bland, 28-year-old Black woman from...
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