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Why Black-On-Black Crime Exists

Whenever police violence garners media attention with black live matter, the argument about people not caring about black on black crime emerges. The argument is valid because there is a huge prevalence of it across the United States, but the unfair origin behind the crime is what many do not realize.

Just like police violence, black on black crime emerges from hate. But for black on black crime, this hate is not blacks hating blacks. It stems from institutionalized racism and systemic oppression.

Think about it. If black on black crime was a serious issue, it would be happening in the suburbs and predominantly white neighborhoods as much as it does in predominantly black neighborhoods. Chicago is a testament to that. Nearly half, 47 percent, of black males ages 20-24 are either unemployed or not in school. This is higher than the national average of 32 percent. So, to push for ending gang violence is easier said than done to a black male that was forced to choose that livelihood. In Baltimore, Maryland, where Freddie Gray was abused, the unemployment rate for young black men is 37 percent. In Ferguson, Missouri, where the Michael Brown incident occurred, the unemployment rate of blacks is significantly high as well.

It’s like the system places us in a box that suffocates us. The system tells us “You can only make this amount of money; it’s not enough but you should be fine. Your children can only attend this particular school. Even though it is on academic probation, and it is not a good value of education, your children will manage. You can only live in this particular neighborhood.” The system suffocates us, and unfortunately crime is our way of breathing. If black males can’t find a job or get in school, then they’re next viable option for making money is selling drugs because it is more convenient. The idea that crime has to be a logical option proves the systemic oppression that exists in this nation.

Institutionalized racism and systemic oppression is the disease; black on black crime is the symptom.

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